Welcome to the website of EMS.

Who is European Management Services (EU)?

Our collective is composed of various partnerships of leading companies,
who in their field represent the Top 500 in Europe.

Our customers are part both of the business and consumer market segments.

We are an essential point of contact in the area of several facets.

Our expertise consists out of our very extended personal expertise.
All our partnerships
arose from personalities who have represented the top of
the market for large companies in Europe, and now contribute their own expertise and knowledge in European Management Services based on their advice and services.

For example:

Complex issues, Legal, Tax, Management, Recruitment and Selection, Mediation
and what else, are not only assignments to us but form also personal challenges that
generate an additional form of involvement, which merges your objective with ours.

You understand that through all this the required assignments are handled differently
and everything will be done to achieve maximum results.

The quality of service is important, but results will determine your satisfaction.

We think it's a good thing to perform a task for you, however, a partnership
is our pursuit.

Have we aroused your interest?

Under the button "about us" you will find additional contact information.